In these unpredictable times, it’s likely that you’re paying close attention to where your money is going. When possible, however, we should strive to be generous with both our time, and our wallets. That being said, it can be difficult to choose which organization you’d like to contribute to.
After some lengthy research, I have compiled a list of unique and worthy causes that are waiting for a noble steed, such as yourself, to make a contribution. Enjoy.
For The Animal Lover in You:***‘Save the Donkeys in the Holy Land’ is collecting donations to “provide help to the donkeys of Israel”. Check them out at
***“The Critter Connection, Inc. is a non-profit group dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of abandoned and neglected guinea pigs. Located in Durham, Connecticut, the rescue was started in Spring 2004 when our founder realized that abandoned guinea pigs in our state had nowhere to go.” (from their website) Head over to their site and see how you can help:
***‘Adopt a Donkey’ thanks its contributors with a gift-pack including a stuffed donkey and adoption certificate and photo. for more info.
Feed the Hungry:***Increase your vocabulary, and your generosity at Visitors of site can “win” rice grain donations by selecting the correct answers to academia-related questions. Each correct answer equals 10 gains of rice, totaling over 66 billion grains to date.
***In cities around the world, you can find teams of architect/engineer professionals and students competing vigorously for weeks, and even months, to build enormous structures out of canned food. These sculptures are displayed to the public, and the cans are donated to local food banks. Find photos of these artworks, and get info on how to join the cause at
***DONATE MONEY AND I’LL TATTOO WHATEVER ON ME! I’m raising money for Third World orphanages. For every $10 you donate, your name gets entered into a drawing. Your name gets picked, you choose any tattoo for me to get. I get tattoo, kids get help, you get the glory of knowing there is a human out there with a tattoo of your face on it. Everyone’s happy. DONATE, read awful tattoo submissions and submit your own
Celebrity Charities:***Dustin Diamond, formally Screech of Saved By The Bell, is selling t-shirts in an attempt to save his home from foreclosure. Shirts will run you $15, or you can request an autographed top for $20.
***Several of the hottest celebrities (and thier children!) have lent their artisitic skills to the Celebrity Mosaic Project, and their master pieces could be yours! Make a bid on one of their ocean-themed LEGO tiles and support the Surfrider Foundation, a non-profit organization that helps protect oceans and beaches. See the artwork and make a bid at
For the Sake of Our Planet:(…to be continued)
This will serve as a running list, so check back for more ideas. Until then… happy contributing!