Somewhere along the way, blogging has taken a back seat to work-ing, mommy-ing and live-ing. I've often thought about this page and the ideas I wanted to share, but haven't been able to find any extra time. I jumped into couponing head first around the holidays, and we've recently decided to buy another home this summer so we've been consumed with decisions about remodeling and budgeting.
Speaking about the new house, I recently joined Pinterest (still totally lost) and have been focusing on the kitchen we will be transforming into a 1950's-diner style. We will also be giving the family room a Game Room/Movie theatre theme. I am loving the online shopping and crafting that has come from this project! Check out this new table set and vintage (working!) fridge I scored on Craigslist-

And, the most exciting news recently, is not exactly news, but... I am thinking about heading back to Disneyland! In THREE weeks! Disney is putting on an AMAZING event for the Deaf community, and I couldn't be more excited. Check it out what I found online:
SIGNin' in the Street at Downtown Disney District
A celebration of creativity in the Deaf community
During this special 2-day-weekend event, embrace the social, technological and artistic accomplishments of world-renowned Deaf talent and local community organizations. This fun-filled, educational and exciting event is open to all — Deaf and hearing Guests.
Location: Downtown Disney District
Dates: March 17 and 18, 2012
Can't wait!